Thursday 23 June 2016

The Star Trek Actor - Anton Yelchin

Based on Twitter, TGV Cinemas post that the Star Trek actor Anton Yelchin had pass away, he died in car crash at age 27.

When I first heard someone from Star Trek had passed on, my first instinct was “please don’t let it be the kid” because he is so young and I always really liked him on screen, I cheered him on in Charlie Bartlett not just because the character he was playing was clever, cool and good hearted, but because I could tell that he cared about the role as much as he cared about the audiences watching. I am saddened by his loss because he represented a change in the Hollywood paradigm; a shift away from the dominating brainless hunks of the past to usher in a generation of thoughtful, soulful characters who can offer so much more variety and diversity to character creation than has been allowed before.

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